To check on the status of your order, go to your My Orders page.
On the My Orders page, you will find a list of all the orders you have placed. Clicking on the order number will take you to the "Order Details" page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the section titled 'Tracking Details' to see if the order was received, reviewed, being processed, or if it has been shipped. If it's been shipped, you will see the courier listed along with the tracking number.
On the "Order Details" page, you will find your order status, order summary and payment details. You will also be able to download a .pdf copy of the invoice.
When the shipping label has been created, you will receive a notification email with a tracking number.
Zno does not track order delivery to ensure order is delivered by estimated delivery window. We are not responsible for delays as a result of customs, or shipping carrier process (such as weather/mechanical delays, package marked as undeliverable, address issues, etc).
If the shipping company has not delivered your order as reported on their website, please email Zno ( with your order number and expected delivery date so that we may open an investigation with shipping company.
Please note: Zno will need to wait for investigation findings with shipping company before any action will be taken. Investigations typically take two weeks to conclude.
If shipping company website reflects partial delivery, please contact the shipping company for delivery details for balance as shipping company is in possession of the remaining order.
Zno is not liable for any lost revenue caused by transit delays as a result of customs, or shipping carrier process (such as but not limited to weather/mechanical delays, package marked as undeliverable, address issues, etc).
For more information, please email