All book specs can be downloaded from Zno Designer, our album design software.
You must start an album or book in order to download a spec. To download a spec for a specific size or cover, please select the desired size and cover to start the book once you have selected the album type. Then click the black "Make" button below.
This will take you to Zno Designer. At the top of this page, please click "Download Spec" to download the zip file. A downloaded spec will include a .jpg and .psd file for both the cover and inner pages. To get more inner page specs you can copy the original downloaded inner page file or download the spec multiple times from our website app.
All inner page specs share the same dimensions. So if you download an 8x8 hard inner page spec but then decide you want to make an 8x8 crystal book, you can use the original 8x8 hard inner page spec for uploading inner pages to an 8x8 crystal book. However covers are not interchangeable even if they share the same listed size. For example, an 8x8 spec for a hard book cover cannot be used for an 8x8 crystal book cover. This is because covers for our hard books feature full cover image wraps while our crystal books only feature a front image wrap. The covers of leather books are not editable and therefore do not include cover specs in their spec download.
Specs can be used in Adobe Photoshop or as a size reference for starting your photo book in other third party programs.
All specs use the following document settings:
- 300 Resolution
- sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color profile