We often ship your order with multiple items as a multi-piece shipment. This means that the shipper received multiple boxes that are all under one tracking number.
Sometimes, the shipper may deliver one or most of a multi-piece shipment in a single delivery while another piece is still in transit.
To confirm that your multi-piece shipment is still in transit, please log into your account and go to My Orders here: https://www.zno.com/my-orders.html
In this screen, under Actions, you will see Track Package. If you click on that link, it will open a new browser window to the tracking number.
A multi-piece shipment will have a tracking number that says piece 1 of 3, as an example. If any part of the shipment is still in transit, the delivery line will not be completed, see example below.
The final pieces of a multi-piece shipment are typically delivered within 1-2 business days of the original delivery. If more than three business days have passed since the original delivery and you are still missing items, please give us a call at 1-888-966-9539 or send us an email to support@zno.com with the order number and we will work with you to resolve the issue.