A website is made up of pages. A page is made up of sections. Therefore, a section is made up of elements. An element may be an image, text, video, shape, button, line contact form or integrate with Zno Gallery to add a gallery. When you group a combination of these elements in one area, it forms a section.
To add an element, click on 'Add Element' on the upper right corner of the section and select the element you want to add. For example, I selected 'Image' and an image box will display in the section. Drag and drop the image box to move it into position of the grid system. Then click on the + icon to upload an image.
Adding other elements works in a similar fashion. Add the element and move it into position of the section. Then customize the element by double clicking it or click 'edit' and upload an image, add text, select a color, etc to finalize the design of the element to the section. An element can also be moved, duplicated or deleted using their icons in the edit toolbar.