This article will guide you through using Zno Instant.
Step 1: Create A Zno Cloud Account
If you don’t already have a Zno or Zno Cloud account, please register a new account on Just click “Sign Up” in the upper right corner.
Step 2: Purchase Zno Instant Event
Once you have a Zno or Zno Cloud account you can now purchase Events in increments of 1 or 5 from
- Events never expire if you don’t use them.
- You can add unlimited photos to an Event while using an Event.
- All photos must be added within 30 days once you start using an Event.
- Purchased Events do not appear until added in the app. (see step 5).
Step 3: Download the Zno Instant App
In order to use Zno Instant, you will need to download the Zno Instant IOS or Android mobile app from the app store by searching for “zno instant.” Once you’ve downloaded the app, you’ll be asked to log in with the same login info that you use for your Zno or Zno Cloud account.
- For Android: You can download the Zno Instant from Google Play Store on your Android phone.
- For Apple: You can download the Zno Instant from the Apple App Store on your Apple phone.
Step 4: Connect Mount (optional)
At this point, you can optionally attach a mount to your camera to hold your cell phone. Using a mount of some kind is advised if you're using a wired connection. Zno has provided some free mounts to early adopters, but any brand of cell phone mount can be used. You are not required to use the mount provided by Zno.
Step 5: Connect Your Camera to your Cell Phone
You can connect your camera to your cell phone by a wired connection or wirelessly. We strongly recommend a wired connection over wireless. The wired connection is more stable and faster.
- Wired Connection: Currently, a wired connection for Zno Instant is support on both Apple and Android.
For a wired connection, you will need an OTG (On-The-Go) cable that has plugs, which are compatible with the ports of your cell phone and camera model. It’s not sufficient to just use a cable that has matching plugs, it must also be specced as an “OTG cable.”
- Wireless: We do not recommend connecting wirelessly, but you can use a wireless wi-fi connection.
Step 5: Adding Events
Your next step is to add an Event. Adding an Event is different from purchasing an Event. When you purchase an Event (as in Step 2), it’s not yet added. Once you “Add an Event” it’s officially considered “being used.” At the point that you Add an Event, you have 30 days to add all photos to that Event. So it’s recommended that you don’t “Add an Event” until you are close to the shooting event happening.
There are two ways to add an Event. You can add an Event through the desktop website at or you can add an Event from within the Zno Instant app. We recommend that you add an Event through the desktop website because this allows for most customization.
Step 5 (a): Adding an Event From Desktop Website:
1. Open the Zno Cloud website ( and login.
2. Click “Workspace.”
3. On the left hand side click “Events” under “Instant.”
4. Click “+ New Event.”
5. At this point, you must add an Event name, Start Time and Finish Time. Once done you can click “Save.” This Event will now be available in your App when you view it on your phone.
- Please be aware that when you click “Save” you are now considered to be “using” an “Event.” And once an Event is being used, you have 30 days to add all photos to an Event.
Step 5 (b): Adding an Event From Within Zno Instant App:
When you log in to the Zno Instant mobile app, you’ll see a button in the upper right hand corner that says “New Event.” Unlike the Desktop Website, you cannot specify an Event name. The name will default to a date.
Step 6: Connect To Zno Instant
At this point you’re ready to start taking photos with Zno Instant. However, the following must already have been completed:
- You’ve made an account on Zno or Zno Cloud.
- You’ve purchased Event(s) from
- You’ve downloaded the Zno Instant mobile app.
- You’ve added your purchased Events.
Next, you must enter an Event by clicking on the row:
When you enter an Event, you’ll be asked to select the following:
- Connection
- Size
- Mode
Click Confirm once you’ve decided on the above options.
Step 7: Confirm Connection
Once you’ve decided on Connection, Image Size and Mode, you’ll be taken to the next screen where your connectivity status will be shown in the two pill shaped buttons at the top. These should both be green. If either of them are red, then there is a connectivity issue and you’ll need to troubleshoot.
- The camera must be on.
- The camera must be switched to camera mode (not video mode).
- The camera (depending on model) may need to be woken up with a shutter click.
Step 8: Start Taking Photos
At this point, you can start taking photos and they will instantly go from your camera to the Zno Instant app and then to the cloud.
Transfer speed will depend on these factors:
- Wired or Wireless connection
- Image Size
- Wi-Fi or Cellular network
As you are taking photos they will appear on the connection status screen.
Where can I see my photos?
Photos that are successfully uploaded will show up on both the Zno Instant mobile app and the desktop website.
- Zno Instant Mobile App: Photos can be seen by clicking the Event name at the top of the connection status screen. Once you click the Event name, you’ll be taken to a grid of photos.
- Desktop Website: Photos can be seen by navigating to the following screen: Workspace > Events (under Instant) > Photo Management > Preview (under Event).
How do I share photos?
Photos can be shared via QR code or Link.
QR code: Photos can be shared via QR code on both the Zno Instant Mobile App and the Desktop Website.
- QR Code From the desktop Events screen: Navigate to Events > Share > QR Code
- QR Code From the desktop Photo Management screen: Navigate to Events > Photo Management > QR Code
- QR Code From the desktop Preview screen: Navigate to Events > Photo Management > Preview > QR Code
- QR Code From the Zno Instant app Preview screen: Navigate to Events Name > Preview Screen > QR Code
Link: Photos can be shared via Link on the Desktop Website.
- Link From the Events screen: Navigate to Events > Share > Copy Link
For more information, please email