To add or remove a Watermark in Zno Gallery, click that specific collection to open your gallery.
Then click the image(s) you would like to add the watermark to so it’s selected. Then click the “water droplet” at the top right.
If you have the Zno Gallery Free Plan, (which you are automatically signed up for when you create an account) you can select either “Default Watermark” or “No Watermark.” If the checkbox is checked for the “Apply to all in this collection”, it will apply the watermark to all the images in the collection.
The Default Watermark displays “Proof” in white letters across the image.
To remove the watermark, select the image(s) again and select “No Watermark.”
If you are subscribed to a paid Zno Gallery plan, you can upload your own watermark as a .png file under Zno Gallery > Settings.
For more information, please email