To download the Zno Lightroom Plugin
- Click here: ZNO Lightroom Plugin
- Click “Download” to download Zip file.
- Open file → Move file to a safe location on your computer.
Open Lightroom Classic
- Click File → Plug-in Manager → Click “Add” → Add “Zno Plugin”
- Click ADD.
- Then navigate to where the plug-in is saved on your computer and click Add Plug-in.
The plugin is now installed in Lightroom.
To use the plug-in:
- Go to "Publish Service" → Zno: Click “Set Up.” You will be prompted to input your Zno account login information in "Lightroom Publishing Manager."
Success! You are logged in.
- Under “Publish Services” click Zno. In the pop-up box, click “Create Collection.”
- You will need to name the collection. Then click “Create.”
- Click on that Collection name and in the pop-up box, select create a “Set.”
- You will need to name the set. Then click “Create.”
- *IMPORTANT* You MUST create a collection and then a set within that collection in order to successfully upload images.
- Drag and drop the images you would like to add to your Zno gallery to the “SET.”
- Once you have dragged and dropped your images to the Set click on the Set and in the pop-up box, at the upper right hand corner click the "Publish" button.
- You will see a heading that says “Published Photos” and the “Publish” button will no longer be active. This means your files have been uploaded.
- GTo double check, go to>Workspace and on the right hand side “Collections.”
For more information, please email